The Master of Science program “Clinical Interventions in Addictions” is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to address the public health challenges of substance use, abuse, and addiction.  The program offers postgraduate training on the biological, psychological, and socio-environmental conceptualizations of substance and behavioral addictions and their prevention. The two-year program of study also focuses on facilitating the transfer of knowledge and clinical skills to the workplace.

The program of study and training is based on the “scientist-practitioner” model. It is based on the notion that trained professional psychologists, doctors, and social workers specializing in addictions should be knowledgeable in both research and clinical interventions. Graduate students learn to integrate theory, reflective practice, and empirical research into their work. The scientific component of the model refers to the engagement of postgraduate students in empirical research. The professional strand emphasizes holistic knowledge relevant to individuals and the wider social systems surrounding them. The MSc program of study offers 300 hours of practicum in prevention and 1,200 hours of internship in addiction treatment or prevention centers in Greece.

The main foundations of the “scientist-practitioner” model, in terms of training and education of graduate students, are as follows:

Understanding substance sse, abuse, and addiction

Understanding of addiction, including knowledge of current models and theories; Knowledge and appreciation of the multiple social contexts within which substance use occurs and their impact on people’s lives; Awareness of the effects of psychoactive drug use and behavioral addictions; Knowledge about the continuum of care and the social contexts affecting the treatment and recovery processes.

Treatment and recovery knowledge and competencies

Competence in implementing evidence-based individual, group, community, and family interventions for people confronting the challenges of psychotropic substance dependence and behavioral addictions; competence in conceptualizing and implementing prevention programs that focus on both behavioral risks and substance use and abuse.

Transfer of knowledge to practice

Practicum and internship experience, specialized intervention knowledge, research capacity (research-based diploma thesis), and skills to create, implement, and evaluate preventive programs in schools and communities.

Professional readiness

Personal attitudes, such as humility, openness to supervision, feedback, learning from experience and different points of view, appreciation of complexity, willingness to form personal conceptualizations and ways of intervening through critical thinking, application of reflective practice, and ethical guidelines that inform practice.

The courses, practicum, and internship are in Greek. The MSc thesis can be written in Greek or English.


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