Giovazolias Theodoros

Akis Giovazolias studied Psychology at  University of Crete. He then completed his Master’s in Psychology and Counselling at the Manchester Metropolitan University and his Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at the University of Surrey in UK. His doctoral dissertation focused on matching therapeutic interventions in drug and alcohol addiction, according to clients’ stage of motivation. He was appointed as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Psychology, University of Crete (2002-2005), where he was elected Lecturer in June 2005, Assistant Professor in December 2010, Associate Professor in September 2015 and Professor in June 2021. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the MSc in Counselling Psychology at University of Athens and a Visiting Lecturer in London City University. His research interests include the effects of intrerpersonal (both from parents and peers) in the psychological adjustment in children and young adults as well as issues pertaining student counselling. His main interests lie in the following fields:

  • Interpersonal acceptance and rejection
  • Parenting and psychological adjustment in children and young adults
  • Bullying and victimization
  • Counselling in addictions
  • Student counselling

Akis Giovazolias has edited the book Counselling Psychology: Current Issues in Research and Practice (Pedio Publications, 2014), and translated and edited in Greek the book New Perspectives on Bullying (Ken Rigby, 2008). He has published 40 scientific papers in Greek (15) and international (25) peer-review journals and books   and has received more than 180 citations. He has served as an ad hoc reviewer in more than 20 international peer-reviewed journals and he is the Associate Editor of the European Journal of Counselling Psychology.

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