Panagis George

George Panagis received his first Bachelor’s Degree from the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Crete, Greece (1992), his second Bachelor’s Degree from the Department of Psychology, University of Crete, Greece (1995) and his Ph.D. (1996) from the Medical School, University of Crete, Greece. His doctoral dissertation focused on the role of ventral pallidum in reward.

He was a postdoctoral research fellow (1997-98) in Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), where he studied the psychotropic and addictive properties of nicotine in experimental rats. He was appointed as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Psychology, University of Crete (1995-2000), where he was elected Lecturer in August 2000, Assistant Professor in August 2004, Associate Professor in January 2010 and Professor in June 2015. He has collaboration with the Graduate Program in Neuroscience of the University of Crete. His main interests lie in the following fields:

  • Neural basis of brain stimulation reward.
  • Interactions between drugs of abuse and brain reward systems.
  • The role of endogenous cannabinoid system in behavior and reward.
  • Effects of mood stabilizers on brain reward.
  • Effects of physical exercise on brain reward system and behaviour.

GeorgePanagis has been the author of the book Behavioral Neuroscience: Basic principles, methods, techniques, and laboratory exercises. (Paschalidis Medical Publications, 2002). He has translated and co-edited in Greek the textbooks “Molecules and Mental Illness” (S.Barondes) and “An Introduction to Brain and Behavior” (B. Kolb & I.Q. Whishaw). He has published 48 scientific papers in Greek (8) and international (40) peer-review journals and 4 book chapters and has received more than 1000 citations.

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