Triliva Sofia

Sofia Triliva is a Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Crete where she teaches graduate and undergraduate level courses in applied psychology.  The focus of her work is the creation, application, and evaluation of mental health prevention initiatives at the community level.  Along with esteemed colleagues she has created, evaluated and published both the empirical validations as well as the interventions of 7 handbooks of prevention and mental health promotion.  They have been applied widely in schools, prevention centers, and communities in Greece and in Cyprus.   These publications include:

  • Triliva, S., Xarli, P., & Spinthaki, A. (2012). Nurturing young people’s character:  from learning to teaching.  Thessaloniki:  Epikentro.
  • Triliva, S., Anagnostopoulou, T., Marvakis, A., & Pavlou, M.  (2012). An educator’s handbook for fighting racism, violence and discrimination in schools.  Athens:  Ministry of Education of Greece.
  • Triliva, S., Anagnostopoulou, T., & Hatzinikalaou, S. (2008). Neither better nor worse just different.  Athens:  Gutenberg.
  • Triliva, S. & Anagnostopoulou, T. (2008).  Experiential leaning: a handbook for mental health professionals and educators applying mental health promotion programming.  Athens: Topos
  • Triliva, S., & Chimienti, G. (2002).  Self- Discovery, Awareness, composure, respect: emotional and social competence.    Athens:  Patakis. Available online at:
  • Triliva, S., & Chimienti, G. (1998).  Conflict control:  You and Me = We. Available online at:
  • Triliva, S., & Chimienti, G. (1998).  Conflict control:  experiential exercises.  Athens:  Ellinika Grammata

Sofia Triliva led the steering committee and was the Director of the Counseling Center of the University of Crete (2002-2004). She was the coordinator of Family Programming at the Lyceum for Women for the past 20 years and has worked pro bono in several other community outreach and prevention programs in Crete.   She has also published over 80 scientific articles and chapters in international and Greek journals and edited volumes.  She serves on the editorial board of Behavioral Medicine and the Annual Review of Critical Psychology and as a reviewer in many journals.  During the past several years her research has focused on how mental health services and professionals perform their work in contexts where socioeconomic upheaval prevails.

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